Let Us Start Your Title Search When You Get the Listing

Title-Search-by-KeywordsEver had a listing that looked like it was going on be a nice, clean closing, but once “Title comes back,” issues come up that delay the closing for days, weeks or even months as issues are cleared up? Do you wish you knew earlier so there was time to clean up the Title before a contract comes in?

There’s no reason to wait for a contract to come in to get the ball rolling towards the closing table. Bring the Listing Preliminary Title Search form linked below with you to listing appointments. When homeowners complete the listing agreement, have them complete this as well and we can order the Title search right away.

Just hand it in with the listing agreement to your office’s Title Liaison and off we go.

– Advises the seller of any Title issues that need to be cleared up prior to closing
– Advises the seller if FIRPTA applies
– Asks the seller for information ALL at one time
– Avoids delays in the closing which means you get your commission faster and with fewer frustrations!
– No charge if the listing is cancelled.

Check with your Watson Title Services of N FL Inc. Title Liaison for the Preliminary Title Search form, or click here.

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