Category Archives: Watson Realty Corp.

A family business

A nice write-up in the Orlando Sentinel I thought I’d share.

Good thing I get along with my in-laws.

Who Are the Watsons Meet the Family Behind the Name by MyAgentGreg

I Think I Have a Face for Radio

In case you missed it, last month via our friends Angela & Howard’s radio show, “Real Estate Radio,” – our Operations Manager Patricia Raulerson and I had the opportunity to talk for a full hour about what Title Insureance and the role of a Title Company is.

You can catch the full archived show here.

… and now a word from our CEO

As I start to line up posts for my blog, I thought that it might be good to start with a sound foundation to explain who I work for.

Who better to do that than the CEO of Watson Realty Corporation; William A. Watson, Jr.